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Treat bleached hair


Repeated bleaching and lightening can cause your hair to be come brittle and susceptible to breakage. If this is your hair we are here to help. Our best suggestion is to give your hair a holiday and stop lightening it for a while. Get yourself a good trim and get your hands on the following treatments.

Use daily as a leave in treatment, or 
weekly, as an intense treatment.


Hair Silk is a rich combination of nourishing oils that will assist in repairing damaged hair.



  • Apply a small amount to the ends of your hair daily or after each wash. Style as usual.

  • Use every 1 to 2 weeks as an intense hot oil treatment. Warm the oil and apply to your scalp & strands. Massage in well and wrap your hair in a towel to keep it warm and let the nourishing oils penetrate the hair. Leave in your hair for 1 hour or over night and wash out the next day.

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SHINE Shadow
Use in conjunction with your regular conditioner for a weekly treatment.


Shine Shadow will bring shine and life to your hair. It also contains a naturally occuring antifungal that may assist with the treatment of dandruff.



  • Use every 1 to 2 weeks as a quick fix treatment. Refer to instructions for more details. All you need is your everyday natural conditioner and if you would like to add an extra kick some Hair silk treatment oil. Apply and leave the treatment in your hair for 20 to 30 mins.

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